
Rep. Carter Nordman Photo courtesy of

With the 89th Iowa General Assembly continuing at the Iowa Capitol, lawmakers are getting ready for the first funnel week. 

Iowa House Representative for District 19 Carter Nordman says funnel week is a way to make sure the session is moving in a timely manner. Nordman tells Raccoon Valley Radio if bills don’t move along they can become dead for the rest of the legislative session. 

“Any bill that is not passed through committee by funnel week is dead. Meaning it can’t go anywhere for that session anymore.”

With this Nordman says lawmakers will be busy preparing for funnel week to make sure the bills they find important continue to be viable.  

“We are going to be in committees, sub-committees getting bills through to ensure that they are available to be debated on the House floor of which then we send over to the Iowa Senate for their consideration.”

Nordman says this could be very busy ahead of the first funnel this Friday.