
If you have ever wanted to become a master gardener, the opportunity to apply to do so has just opened. 

Dallas County ISU Extension and Outreach Master Gardener Coordinator Megan Will says as of March 1st people interested can apply to become a master gardener. The certification class happens this fall, and Will describes the changes to the program. 

“This will be the first year it has changed a little bit. It will be all online for the lecture part and then our county, Dallas County, will have anywhere between three and five, maybe even more, hands-on additional classes to get together where we may tour someone’s yard.”

Will says it’s important to have lots of hands-on training to supplement the lectures. She points out that while you can apply for the class, which costs $195, it is a competitive process to be able to take the class.

“You just sign up through Iowa State (Extension) then as it gets closer and we have a little bit of interviewing process across the state because 350 people across all 99, well actually 100 counties,  will be admitted into the class.”

For more information on the master gardener program or to apply you can go here.