The West Central Valley drama department revealed its cast for the spring musical “You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown.”
Gavin Dupuy will be the lead as Charlie Brown. Other cast members include Rylie Hutton as Lucy Van Pelt, Linus Van Pelt will be played by Cody Wells, Charlie’s younger sister Sally will be played by Abi Balsmeier, Nick Smith will play the role of Schroeder, and Snoopy will be portrayed by Cael Hansen.
Director Michael Gookin says the audience will walk away happy from this show featuring the familiar comic strip characters.
“We knew that we have to do something light, we have to do something happy where the audience in the end comes back with a sense of joy. I think ‘You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown’ hits every single one of those things. The students are so excited to do this as well because a lot of the seniors performing are so ready to step out there and go 100 percent with it.”
“You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown” opens April 23.