The Guthrie County Board of Supervisors approved raising the transfer station rates for tipping fees by $5 in each of the next two years as part of its regular meeting Tuesday.
The Board also set a flat fee for Cathode Ray Tube monitors and television sets at $20, as well as a flat rate for tires at 15-cents per pound as part of their discussion on the Transfer Station’s fiscal year 2022 budget.
County Engineer Josh Sebern discussed the Integrated Roadside Vegetation Management Department’s budget, but no actions were taken by the Supervisors.
Sheriff Marty Arganbright discussed his projected budget for the next fiscal year including operating costs of the new jail facility. The Supervisors reviewed dining options and outsourcing meal preparation to a company that the Dallas County Jail uses.They also discussed the number of employees needed to operate the new facility, but took no action on the topic..
Chip Schultz of Northland Financial discussed financing options for the new courthouse roof and a maintenance building at the transfer station. The proposed cost was $525,000 for both projects over six years, projected to end June 1, 2027. No action was taken by the Supervisors.