
The Panora City Council will hold its public hearing concerning the maximum property tax dollar levy for fiscal year 2022 during its regular meeting Monday night.

The meeting is held electronically, and comments may be sent by email to City Administrator Lisa Grossman at lisagrossman@netins.net.

Additionally, Councilmembers will hear a presentation regarding a Next Link Lease request, approve a development agreement with DG Panora, LLC, approve the fiscal year 2022 maximum tax dollar levy, discuss bids and approve a contract for the outdoor storm siren project and approve a member to the Library Board.

The meeting will be held electronically at 6:30 p.m. Monday. Raccoon Valley Radio news will have a full report from the Panora City Council meeting later this week. To join remotely via videoconference, click here. To join by audio only, call 312-757-3121 with access code 295-99-71 and audio PIN 220.