
Rep. Carter Nordman Photo courtesy of

Free speech is an important right in the U.S. Constitution and it’s one area Iowa Legislators are paying attention to for college campuses. 

House Representative for District 19 Carter Nordman says there have been times on Iowa college campuses where censorship has occurred of certain groups. Nordman says the hopes are for less conservative censorship. 

“Every time something like this happens the universities will come apologize and nothing is really done about it. So, the whole message to the universities that I think we have sent is enough with the apologies about the limiting of free speech for conservatives on campus and begin to put policies in place to ensure it doesn’t happen.”

Nordman says students who are conservative have twice or even three times as hard of a time to start a student organization on campuses than their counterparts. 

“We are seeing that it’s harder for conservatives to start groups on these campuses and that’s just simply not right.”

Nordman hopes to see a bill pass through both chambers and be signed by the governor.