
The Jefferson Streets/Sewer/Sanitation/Water committees met earlier this week.

The meeting started with the water committee. The committee is going to recommend to the City Council a $43,200 proposal from Bolton and Menk for a preliminary facility improvement plan study for the water plant. City Engineer Jim Lieding said this is the first step toward doing a complete upgrade like what is happening with the wastewater treatment plant. A policy for a minimum charge on inaccessible or abandoned properties was reviewed, but a decision was tabled to a future meeting. 

A discussion was held about water meter rentals. There have been issues with people not paying when renting meters. The committee decided there should be an application process with a deposit. An ordinance change will also be needed, which the committee will review next month before sending to the City Council for final approval.

The sewer committee discussed a proposal from the City’s financial consultant. It was mentioned that the consultant suggested having a 20-percent increase in the sewer rate over three years to pay for the $8-$12 million upgrades to the wastewater treatment plant. The committee will review the matter next month.

The streets committee discussed the City’s snow removal policy, with depositing snow onto City streets. Public Works Director Dave Morlan said the policy does not cover removing snow from parking lots onto the street. He mentioned removing as much snow as they have been this year, it’s become an issue for city crews to pick up the additional snow that is pushed into the windrows in the middle of the street. The committee will review with the city administrator.