
The Adair-Casey/Guthrie Center school boards held their quarterly joint meeting on Wednesday and discussed successes and concerns with the whole-grade sharing agreement.

Superintendent Dennis McLain says he’s received some positive community feedback regarding the high school basketball games held at the junior high facility. He says the boards had discussed moving one or two events to that facility, and they were able to do so due to cancellations and rescheduling causing conflict with other athletic events.

Additionally, the Boards heard a science project from high school sophomore Kiersten Knobbe who qualified for  the Iowa Junior Science and Humanities Symposium March 1 and 2. The event will be held remotely.

Finally, the Boards reviewed the proposed 2021-22 academic calendar and set a public hearing date for March 17. The biggest change to the calendar would be a shift from two parent-teacher conference days twice per year to one day four times per year at the midterm of each quarter. They also discussed changes at the state level for Supplemental State Aid and a proposed increase in state cost per pupil.