Greene Co Public Health Director Becky Wolf at a November Supervisors meeting
Following Governor Kim Reynolds recent announcement about lessening some of the COVID-19 precautions in the public health emergency proclamation, some health officials were surprised by those changes.
Greene County Public Health Director Becky Wolf encourages everyone to continue to follow the county-wide mask mandate.
“Our take is don’t stop doing what you’re doing, regardless if there’s a proclamation there or not. We have to keep doing what we’re doing, even as we are getting vaccinated. Until we can get enough people vaccinated, which needs to be at least 75-80% of the county, to be vaccinated so that we have what we call herd immunity.”
Wolf notes herd immunity will also protect those that can’t get the vaccine, due to underlying conditions or for other medical reasons. She reminds everyone of the other preventative measures including wearing a mask, washing hands frequently, cleaning frequently touched surfaces and maintaining at least six feet between you and others. Wolf encourages those who are 65 and older to continue to sign up to receive a vaccine, by using three different methods. Those methods are included below.
Online: https://hipaa.jotform.com/210254625890152
Email: covid@gcmchealth.com
Phone: 515-386-0564