More charges will be coming this week for a Council Bluffs man who was recently arrested for a February traffic fatality in rural Dallas County.
Dallas County Attorney Chuck Sinnard says that 53-year-old Stephen Joseph Wink of Council Bluffs will be facing additional charges of homicide by vehicle, a Class B Felony carrying a maximum sentence of up to but not exceeding 25 years, serious injury by a motor vehicle, a Class C Felony, carrying a maximum sentence of up to but not exceeding 10 years, and a misdemeanor for operating while intoxicated. The charges will be filed later this week. Wink is already charged with driving while license denied or revoked, driving while barred and driving while license denied, suspended, cancelled or revoked.
The charges stem from an alleged incident that occurred on February 2nd. The Iowa State Patrol reported that Wink allegedly crossed the centerline when traveling south on County Road P-58 and his vehicle hit head-on with a northbound vehicle driven by 40-year-old Danyel Denise Hardisty of Minburn. Hardisty was pronounced dead at the scene, while a seven-year-old child in Hardisty’s vehicle and Wink suffered injuries.
Raccoon Valley Radio will bring you more information as it becomes official.