The Greene County Homeless Coalition is seeking a working vehicle to help a homeless individual.
Pastor Julie Poulsen with the First United Methodist Church of Jefferson and a member of the homeless coalition says they are in need of a vehicle to help a homeless woman. She tells Raccoon Valley Radio the woman can’t stay in her residence due to there being no power, gas or water. Poulsen is asking for someone to donate a vehicle and bring their title to sign it over to the woman in need. However, if the person donating the vehicle just wants to sign the title to the Methodist Church, they will take it from there.
Poulsen notes that they will also accept monetary donations to purchase a used vehicle. She points out the homeless coalition is helping provide temporary shelter and food at this time.
To make a donation or for more information, contact the Methodist Church at 515-386-4411 or Pastor Julie at 319-461-3146.