With several inches of snowfall that happened Monday in Greene County, some lasting effects could be noticed today.
Weatherology Meterologist Michael Karow tells Raccoon Valley Radio winds might not be very strong today, but with the newly fallen light snow, it could create headaches on the road.
“Probably some pretty good drifts on a lot of the roadways out there. So still on the breezy side with winds out of the north from 10-20 (miles-per-hour). So still some lingering blowing snow expected there.”
Greene County Sheriff Jack Williams says it’s dangerous to drive in low visibility, or white-out conditions when snow blows across the road.
“When you get the white-out conditions people panic a little bit (and) they stop. Well the vehicle that may be behind you doesn’t have the ability to see you stop until it’s too late, and then we have accidents. I think it was 2007, we had several rear-ending accidents that we had to try and get to. It just puts more people’s lives at risk. The more you have to have respond to an accident, the more people are out there risking getting hit.”
Williams reminds motorists that if you drive below highway speeds to use four-way signalers so that other vehicles can see you better on the road.