January 21, 2021 to January 26, 2021
Jan 22:
Received a report of a theft in the 2500 block of Perry Park Ave. Case under investigation.
Vehicle 1 gray 2020 Buick registered to Michael Merle or Jacqueline Ann Robinson, 1413 S1h St., Perry. Driven
by Jacqueline Robinson. Driver was backing out of a parting spot in the 2800 block of Willis and struck a post.
No damage to the post, Minor damage to the vehicle.
Vehicle 1 Silver Toyota Camry registered to Mario Silva, 614 4th St., Perry driven by Alba Carolina Garcia Perez,
614 4th St., Perry.
Vehicle 2 Red 2009 Cadillac registered to Paul Eldridge Mayhugh, 28736 Prospect Ave., Adel, Iowa driven by
Leslie Annette Heckman Mayhugh, 28736 Prospect Ave., Adel.
Vehicle 2 was traveling eastbound on Willis Ave in the 2800 blk. Vehicle 1 was on 181h stand pulled out and
attempted to turn east onto Willis Ave striking vehicle 2 in the left rear fender. T Total estimated damages
$3000. Driver of vehicle 1 was issued citations for failure to obey stop sign and failure to have a valid driver’s
· Jan 23:
Officers responded to the 1200 block of 18′” Street on a report of criminal mischief. Parked vehicle was
Officers responded to the 1600 block of Taft on a report of harassment.
Jan 24:
Vehicle 1 Tan 2006 Ford Taurus registered to Windle Renee Dunlap 2502 McKinley, Perry. Driven by Glenn
Troy Graspy, 2502 McKinley, Perry.
Vehicle 2 Gray 2016 Mitsublshl Lancer registered to and driven by Makayla Marie Meier, 23146 128tt’ Place,
Bouton, Iowa.
Vehicle 1 was traveling westbound on Highway 141 and vehicle 2 was traveling eastbound in the westbound
lane of Highway 141. Vehicle 1 attempted to avoid vehicle 2 but was unable to do so. The two vehicles
collided causing damage to the front driver side of vehicle 2 and the front passenger side of vehicle 1. No
injuries as a result ofthe accident. Driver of vehicle 2 was arrested for operating while intoxicated first
offense and cited for driving the wrong way on a two way highway. Total estimated damages $20.000.
Arrest: Makayla Marie Meier, age 23, 23146 128th Place, Bouton was taken into custody and charged with
operating while intoxicated first offense.
Jan 25:
Officers responded to the 2600 block of Willis Ave on a report of a theft. Case under investigation.
Jan 26
Arrest: Christopher Joseph Hidlebaugh, age 28, 16770 N. Ave., Perry was taken into custody and charged with
driving under suspension.