Image Courtesy of Iowa DoT: Area roads are fully covered with snow throughout Guthrie County as the Blizzard continues. This is Iowa Hwy 44 between Guthrie Center and Panora.
The blizzard warning for Guthrie County is still in effect until 6 p.m.
County Engineer Josh Sebern says that while they’ll be working to clear the roads until 5 p.m., travelers should take caution from the ice underneath the snow as well as the high winds causing drifts on the roads. Additionally, Sebern says motor graders are out on the gravel roads. The county road crews will be out tomorrow to continue clearing the roadways.
Stuart Public Works Director Jim Henderson says his crew started clearing the roadways at 2 a.m. Friday He points out crews aren’t applying sand at this time until the wind dies down, and estimates they will be clearing snow all weekend. Crews will wait until Sunday to clear snow in the downtown area in order to give businesses time to clear their sidewalks.
Panora Public Works Director Tony Monthei estimates their teams will be out over the next several hours to clear the roadways.
Snow ordinances are in effect for Stuart, Panora and Guthrie Center. All residents must clear their vehicles from the roadways during any snow events in Stuart and Panora and for snow accumulation over two inches.