Athletic Directors from the West Central Activities Conference met to discuss changes in Governor Kim Reynolds’ emergency proclamation that allows more spectators for events.
According to a press release from Adair-Casey/Guthrie Center School District, the update allows for all members who reside in the same household as the participating students to attend a conference activity, or for the participant to be allowed two spectators that do not reside in the same household. For example, if a student’s grandparent, who does not live with the student, wishes to attend a basketball game, that student would be allowed one other spectator, but not all members of the household.
In the event that siblings are involved in the same event, one sibling will receive household tickets, while the other would get the two spectator tickets. Participants who live in two different homes would be allowed to have spectators from both households. Spectators may sit together, but must social distance themselves from other households. Masks are still required at all events.
The governor’s extended proclamation lasts through Friday.