Despite the rockiness of 2020, Greene County continues to see an increase in overall land valuations.
According to a report from the Iowa Department of Management, Greene County had a 2.12-percent increase in land valuation over the previous year to $729,584. The rural portion went up 3.02-percent, while the urban part showed a decrease of 0.15-percent.
Greene County Real Estate and Tax Coordinator Pam Olerich says there continues to be an increase in the tax increment financing (TIF) portion of the report. She points out that the TIF from the additional wind turbines have generated $21,026,610 of increment valuation.
Olerich notes that one major change was in the City of Dana. She says the rural portion of Dana saw an over 13-percent drop in valuation, which was due to a parcel not classified correctly, but that has been addressed by the County Assessor. The change also impacted the state rollback amount for that parcel.
Click the link below to see the report.