
The Greene County Supervisors will meet tomorrow morning.

The Board will hear several fiscal year 2022 funding requests, including ACCESS Assault Care Center, Elderserve and Congregate Meals, Heart of Iowa Habitat for Humanity, Jefferson Matters: A Main Street and Chamber Community, and Elderbridge Agency of Aging. The Board will also consider for approval a cost allocation plan with Cost Advisory Services and appropriating the final 15-percent of funds to county officials and departments for the current fiscal year. The meeting will end in a closed session to discuss an opioid litigation matter, which action can then be taken in open session.

The meeting will take place electronically and in-person at 8:30am from the boardroom in the courthouse in Jefferson. To access the meeting, call 1-253-215-8782 or 1-301-715-8592 with meeting ID 585 769 486, or via Zoom application with a link below.