
ADM Tiger Wrestling has not been on the mat for the last week due to COVID-19 concerns, but will looking at getting back onto the mat in the near future as they hope to get back to competing at a high level.

The Tigers haven’t been able to compete this last week and a half, and have been having to do things on their own to stay in shape for the season. Obviously, the loss of mat time will not be easy on the athletes and coaches alike, and it might be good that they don’t have a scheduled match currently until 2021 with their current wrestling schedule.

In a way, it will give them another opportunity to have a second preseason to make sure they are in good physical condition, rework technique, and get re-prepared for what essentially will be a month long sprint through the rest of their season.

Big things loom ahead for the Tigers, and they will be looking forward to getting back on the mat in the near future.