The City of Jefferson recently had a snow event in which the City’s snow ordinance was in effect.
According to the National Weather Service, Jefferson received 1.4-inches of snow this past Friday, which meant the City’s snow ordinance was in effect, because the minimum criteria that triggers the ordinance is at least 0.5-inch of snowfall. Once the ordinance is in effect, parking is prohibited on any city street, alleyway or city-owned off-street parking until the snow stops falling and the streets have been cleared from curb-to-curb.
Jefferson Police Officers issued 33 parking citations for violating the ordinance. Police Chief Mark Clouse clarifies the time frame of when officers issue those citations.
“They give every opportunity for the vehicle owner to get that vehicle off the street. Once the plows come out and start moving the snow, and that vehicle is plowed around – the snow plow actually goes around your vehicle – that’s when we’re going to issue the citation.”
Click the link below to view the City’s snow ordinance.