The Adel-DeSoto-Minburn comedic productions of “Please Don’t Be My Drama Teacher” and “The Audition” are taking place a little differently this year.
When the spring production was canceled due to the pandemic, Director Molly Longman decided to make future shows virtually so those could be recorded and viewed regardless of the climate of the pandemic.
The upcoming shows, which can be viewed starting at midnight December 18th through December 20th, have been recorded and edited for people to view online through Longman says while it’s not the same as usual it’s better than not having the shows at all.
“We wanted to have something that we knew couldn’t be taken away and the fact that we still got to be together on the stage creating a final product felt really good, too. So it was just kind of the best we felt we could do this year given the circumstances to make sure that we got to have a show.”
To view the already recorded shows it costs $5 per individual and $10 per household which goes to ADM Drama. The link to the page to view the shows can be found here and you can pay ahead of time as well.