
Gary and Shirley Haupert-2019 ABC Award winners

Time is running out to submit a nomination for the Above and Beyond the Call Award in Greene County.

Jefferson Matters: A Main Street and Chamber Community Executive Director Reegan Hanigan tells Raccoon Valley Radio the ABC Award is given to someone or a couple of people who have unselfishly gave their time and talent and positively affected activities or programs that were beneficial for the community at large. She encourages anyone who might have someone that qualifies for the ABC Award to submit a nomination.

“Just think about someone who’s really just been above and beyond. That’s done a lot within the community, especially this year, with it being such a challenging year. We’d love to recognize that person and we would appreciate your nomination.”

Nominations must be submitted to the Welcome Center at 4pm on Friday. Click the link below for a copy of the nomination form.