
The Greene County School Board recently approved the district’s voluntary early retirement policy for this school year.

Superintendent Tim Christensen says the voluntary early retirement is for any district staff that is at least 55-years-old by July 1, 2020 and has worked in the district for at least ten years. He points out the policy is a financial tool that allows the district to hire a newer staff member at less pay to replace the retiring staff member who is at the higher end of the pay scale. 

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Christensen is unsure if more staff members will take advantage of the policy this year. He comments about what he is seeing on social media about other school districts.

“When you look across the country, I see a lot of comments from people saying, they’re eligible for retirement and they think this is going to push them to take advantage of that. So I’m not sure if we will follow that same trend here locally or not. But I would imagine that there’s some people that are looking at this and saying, ‘Hopefully we don’t have to go through this next year, but I don’t want to go through it next year.’”  

The Board has set a maximum amount of $200,000 toward the policy, which will come from the management fund. The deadline to be considered for the policy is January 13, 2021.