The Perry City Council will discuss various council appointments at their regular meeting on Monday evening.
The appointments for the Council to consider approving include various positions, committees and compliance officers. There will also be a public hearing concerning an amendment to the urban renewal plan.
Additionally, the Council will also consider for approval an addition to the Perry Fire Department roster and reinstating the Deputy Fire Chief. The Council will also consider approving a 28E agreement for mutual aid.
Finally, the Council will consider creating a permanent public utility easement, appointing a newspaper for official publications and notices and setting the time and place of council meetings that conflict with the observance of holidays in 2021.
The meeting will start at 6 p.m. Monday and will be held virtual-only. To access the meeting you can use the following methods. Access to the meeting may be obtained by one of the following methods. Using the following link via computer, tablet or smartphone:
Phone: 312-626-6799
Meeting ID: 898 6407 8086
Passcode: 467114