Plans are underway for the 2021 Greene County Fair, and it starts with a livestock weigh-in.
Greene County ISU Extension 4-H and Youth Coordinator Kayla Willms says the 4-H Beef Weigh-In will take place tomorrow at 1pm in the beef pen-of-three barn on the Greene County Fairgrounds in Jefferson. She points out county fair only livestock will begin at 1pm, and those wanting to enter their livestock for state fair can weigh-in at 2:30. Willms explains how the weigh-in will work with COVID-19 precautions in mind.
“I will be still going to the vehicles to give them their paperwork, so they can fill it out in their vehicles before they get to weigh-in. Masks are required. We ask that everybody stay in their vehicle until it’s their turn to weigh-in their animals.”
4-H’ers and their families are asked to enter the barn from the north, go to the west driveway and exit through the south.