
Retailers in Jefferson have extended shopping hours to better suit the needs of customers this month.

Retailers are now open Thursdays until 7pm and Sundays from noon-3pm throughout December. Jefferson Matters: A Main Street and Chamber Community Retail Revamped Committee member Andy Krieger highlights the service that local businesses are providing, especially during a pandemic.

“The retail owners in this community will bend over backwards to help and accommodate, and especially make our customers feel safe during this time. If you don’t have masks, the retailers are willing to provide them. If you don’t have a time frame that works for you, call them up and we will make one that will work for you. The customer service, the specials, and just making our customers feel comfortable with the situation that’s going out there with COVID.”

Retail Revamped reminds everyone of the Tower Tunes Live performances that are also taking place during the extended shopping hours. Live music will be played on the Mahanay Memorial Carillon Tower from 5:15-5:30pm Thursdays and 12:15-12:30pm Sundays.