Governor Kim Reynolds has announced more mitigation measures to fight the COVID-19 pandemic that go into effect at midnight Tuesday morning.
In a statement Monday, she said the healthcare system is being pushed to the brink in unsustainable ways with one of every four hospital patients having the virus in Iowa. Starting Tuesday, people must wear masks in indoor public spaces if they are unable to social distance for 15 minutes. Reynolds said this includes state offices and buildings. She strongly encourages other businesses to follow the lead. Indoor gatherings are limited to 15 people, and those outdoors are limited to 30 people. All youth and adult sports are suspended, however, high school and college sports can continue with the two spectators per participant rule and masks worn. Restaurants and bars must close at 10 p.m. and masks must be worn by staff in contact with customers. Customers must wear masks unless seated at a table. Also, inpatient elective procedures are limited to 50%. Reynolds said the measures will be re-evaluated in a week and additional measures may be put in place at any time.
She closed by saying everyone is hopeful for a vaccine soon, but Iowans lose if they do not buy into these prevention efforts. Reynolds said these steps must be taken for the common good. The new proclamation is in place through December 10th.