Greene County Activities Director Todd Gordon notified Raccoon Valley Radio on Wednesday that the scheduled season opening girl/boy basketball doubleheader with Ogden will be rescheduled from its original Nov. 30 date. The Rams and Bulldogs will play on Saturday, Dec. 5 in the new high school gymnasium in Jefferson. If things stay the same as they were Wednesday afternoon, Greene County and Perry won’t play on Dec. 1 in Perry, so the first games for the girls and boys from Greene County would be Dec. 4 in Story City vs. Roland-Story.

The Greene County School Board decision to go to 100% virtual learning from Nov. 16 through Nov. 24 prompted the decision. Girls’ basketball practice began on Nov. 9, but wrestling and boys’ basketball were scheduled to begin practicing Nov. 16, but that won’t take place because no practices are allowed when school district’s go 100% virtual.

The Greene County wrestlers are scheduled to open Dec. 1 at PCM High School in Monroe. There was no immediate word on if or when that would take place.

Raccoon Valley Radio will update you with official information as it becomes available.