The Jefferson City Council will meet tomorrow night in regular session.
The Council will consider for approval hiring a police officer, the facade grant for Companion Veterinary Clinic, amending a resolution requesting reimbursement through the Iowa COVID-19 Government Relief Fund, a resolution for an administrative services contract with Region XII Council of Governments for the Community Development Block Grant upper story grant, and the first reading to amend an ordinance to provide for commercial cardboard collection fee. Additionally, the Council will consider approving a change order, pay request and certificate of substantial completion for the Arch Alley improvement project. The Council will also consider approving another change order and pay request for a shared use project, along with a change order, pay request and certificate of substantial completion for the Chestnut water main improvement project.
Next, the Council will consider approving several resolutions for the annual appropriation of rebates for development agreements, including Lincoln Ridge Estates, Briarwood, the Jefferson Hotel Group, Mike and Miranda Wahl, and the Jefferson Veterinary Clinic. The Council will also hear an update from Greene County Development Corporation.
The meeting will take place in the City Hall Council Chambers at 5:30pm.