The Panora City Council will discuss and consider action regarding their base pay scale for the police department during their regular meeting Monday.
The Council will also review the fiscal year 2020 annual urban renewal report, consider obligating funds from the urban renewal tax revenue fund for appropriations next fiscal year, and consider approving a contract with the State of Iowa for their Ground Emergency Medical Transportation program. Finally, the Council will discuss Americans with Disabilities Act plates and approaches with the sidewalk maintenance program, and consider a resolution for a lease agreement for a skid loader for snow removal.
The Council meets at 6:30 p.m. The public is required to attend the meeting electronically, which can be done by visiting Web link: https://www.gotomeet.me/cityofpanora or phone call: 1-(312)-757-3121 Access code: 295-099-701 Your audio PIN: 220 #