
Tonight the Perry High School drama department will open the stage curtains for their fall production, “Check Please.”

Perry Drama Director Randy Peterson tells Raccoon Valley Radio those who come to see the show can expect an evening full of laughs, “What you can expect here is, it’s a show about first dates that have gone horribly wrong. There’s a ton of little short scenes that are hilarious. We’ve got mimes that mime the whole date, we’ve got people during the date that insist on stealing the silverware, we’ve got people who insist on being a pirate during the date. It should be a ton of fun.”

Peterson adds he’s excited to have a fall production, especially after having to cancel the spring musical due to COVID-19, “Speaking for myself personally, one of the worst things that’s ever happened to me as a drama director is our spring show getting cancelled due to COVID. The fact that we can put on the show here, even if it’s kind of a stranger show, is just a great thing.”

Tickets are $5 and can be purchased at the high school office or at the door before showtime. Social distancing accommodations will be enforced to keep families six feet apart from others. Additional entrances and exits will also be open to thin the flow of audience members. The show begins at 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday at the Perry Performing Arts Center.