
Iowa’s Winter Weather Awareness Day took place this Thursday, to promote getting your home and vehicle prepared for the winter season.

Adair and Guthrie County Emergency Management Coordinator Bob Kempf says besides getting your home emergency kit ready in case you’re trapped by a snow storm or lose electricity, it’s also good to check your heating sources. This includes making sure your space heater is on a level surface, three feet away from flammable materials, and that it’s preferably not plugged into an extension cord. Kempf also recommends those with fireplaces to check for any leakages and blockages, and whether it’s been cleaned in the last few months.

Kempf also says those with a natural gas or LP fireplace should make sure that the exhaust fan is working to properly pull fumes out of the home, “Probably one of the other good things that happens during the winter is the freezing of pipes and stuff like that. It’s a good time for a reminder to make sure that if they’re thawing those pipes out making sure that they’re using a good standard hair dryer to produce that heat and that they’re able to keep the heat off of any burnable material that might be behind those pipes.”

Kempf says if you anticipate using a generator this winter to make sure it is properly wired, and to not run a generator inside homes, garages, crawlspaces, basements, or similar areas. Kempf says generators should be placed outside, far from doors, windows, and other openings to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning or risk of fire.