
Additional positive COVID-19 cases have continued to set records in Iowa the last couple of weeks, which Dallas County Public Health says could be attributed to the number of indoor gatherings.

As of  Thursday, Dallas County has surpassed 4,000 positive cases and reported their 50th death, according to their local dashboard. Dallas County Public Health Public Information Officer Ann Cochran tells Raccoon Valley Radio that over the last few months, people have relaxed how seriously they’re taking the threat, “There are a lot of theories about (the rising amount of cases), one is that people are fatigued with the whole idea of wearing a mask and staying socially separated. Interestingly enough, our registered nurse who’s in charge of contact tracing here locally remarked a whole string of cases in a town, and they may not live very close together, but they all have the same last name. Our conclusion is people are gathering, people are getting together with their neighbors, getting together with their family and friends, and unbeknownst to them are spreading germs.”

According to the Dallas County Dashboard, the 50220 zip code, which includes Perry, has 28 active COVID-19 cases. The 50003 zip code, which features Adel, has 57. Cochran says the safest way to host a fall gathering is virtually. However, when that is not possible, Cochran recommends taking advantage of the fall weather and hold it outside. Cochran strongly encourages those who attend any gatherings to wear a face-covering when social distancing cannot be maintained and stay home if you’re feeling any symptoms.