The Perry City Council discussed the Perry Public Library remodeling project during their regular meeting Monday.
The Council approved a certificate of substantial completion for the project as the staff moved back into the building last week. Library Director Mary Murphy says they hope to reopen near Thanksgiving. While that’s the goal, Murphy adds that the safety of her staff is top-priority, “If the COVID number stay stable, like they have been, for (zip code) 50220, then I’m thinking that we can socially distance. That burden is quite heavy when you have a staff; almost 80-percent of your staff have pre-existing conditions. We’ll discuss that Thursday at our Board meeting, but that’s what I feel inside we have to do to be safe.”
The Council also approved a change order and payment application for the 28th Street project. Other items approved by the Council include the job description and pay range for the City’s aquatics center coordinator position and a grant application to the Iowa Arts Council and the Iowa Great Places Advisory Board.