A new facility addition is beginning to take shape at Adair-Casey/Guthrie Center High School about four months after its groundbreaking.
Sande Construction is building the approximate $1.2 million two-story weight room and fitness center on the southwest corner of the high school, as designed by FRK Architects + Engineers. Superintendent Dennis McClain shares a recent development for the project, “It’s coming along, we’ve got quite a bit of steel structure up now, towards the end of this week. So it’s starting to take shape and you can actually see kind of what the structure will look like. So people are getting excited now, now that it’s kind of starting to look like something besides a hole next to a building.”
McClain says there have been shipping delays of some building materials due to the pandemic, but he thinks the project completion will stick close to its timeline to move in near mid-December. The project is being funded by the District’s Secure an Advanced Vision for Education (SAVE) funds and will include weight and cardio equipment paid for by fundraising efforts from Activity Director Cody Matthewson and the strength and conditioning students.