
Jefferson Matters: A Main Street and Chamber Community Ambassadors held a ribbon-cutting ceremony Thursday for a new Jefferson-based business.

Greene Goods produces and markets home-grown, homemade, all natural and no preservative items. Co-owner Andy Kreiger said not only do they make their own items, but they also have partnerships with other vendors across the Midwest. Kreiger points out that they also sell four items with CBD (Cannabidiol), which he explains made it legal to sell CBD following state legislation that was put into law this past July.

“People sometimes mix us up with the medical marijuana card, and that is not what we do. The CDB that we sell cannot have THC in it, or it’s at such a low-level, per federal regulation. So you don’t have to have a medical card. There are no real restrictions when it comes to a customer walking in and being able to purchase any of our product lines.”

Kreiger said he wanted to start the all-natural retail business because of the needs of younger people that move into Greene County.

“So I wanted to be able to offer a retail setting that they’re used to if they moved back into this area, whether it be from the east coast, or the west coast, or even say Minneapolis area. They’re used to being able to have an option for all-natural, home-grown, homemade, no preservative type items. I really saw a void here, and a great opportunity for us to be able to provide those.”

Greene Goods opened September 8th. The business is located next to Kreiger’s Greenehouse in Jefferson.