
As early voting continues in Iowa ahead of the general election, presidential candidates continue to have surrogates campaign for them.

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue was in Iowa recently campaigning for the Republican Party, but not in his official capacity. He is confident that farmers will show their support for President Donald Trump at the polls, even after commodity prices sunk in 2016.

“Prices were down, but President Trump has made sure that when he took on China, based on their unfair trading practices, he knew they would retaliate. He stepped up for the farmers, Iowa farmers know that. They know that the MFP payments, the CPAP 1 and 2 payments, ethanol policies that he’s made with E-15 year-round. It’s absolutely a vote for agriculture. My prediction would be that the President will get 85-percent-plus of the agriculture vote.”

Perdue encourages everyone who is eligible to vote and makes this suggestion to those who are thinking of not voting.

“If you stay home, you get what you get, and you can’t complain. It’s a wonderful freedom in America to be able to vote, a very good right, but it’s also a responsibility. So I want to encourage everybody to go vote. Listen and read the platforms. If you’re tired of the (political) ads on there, just read the platforms to make up your own mind.”

Trump is being challenged by Democrat candidate Joe Biden.