
A racial injustice protest from October, where Dale Hanaman (left) led the event.

Despite the 40-degree temperatures and rainy weather Tuesday afternoon, the racial injustice protests continued in Jefferson.

The group held their demonstration in a new location, near the Greene County Community Center. Co-organizer Dale Hanaman said the location change was due to early voting that is currently underway at the Greene County Courthouse, the site of the previous 18 rallies. Before the seven participants walked around the community center, Hanaman read from an article about racial injustice from a religious publication. 

Jack Buckland of Cooper has been one of the regular participants in the protests, and he talked about why he continues to be a part of them.

“I like demonstrating, I like walking, and just getting the message out. It’s like exercising, actually. But it’s exercising two things at once: your body and also your – I guess you’d call it – willingness to make a difference, I guess.”    

Buckland recounted a couple of other times when he protested against some of the previous wars that the United States fought in, including protests against the Vietnam War in the 1970s. Most recently, he was a one-man protest against the War with Iran.

“And I just felt so strong that we don’t need to be at war with Iran, it doesn’t make any sense whatsoever. These things like war and civil rights, they are very important things, and you just have to show your colors, that’s what I believe.”    

The weekly protests will continue on Tuesdays at 12:15pm at the community center until Election Day on November 3rd. The protests are open to the public.