The Adel-DeSoto-Minburn School Board heard the latest update on how the District is managing the COVID-19 pandemic during Monday’s meeting.
Superintendent Greg Dufoe presented the most recent quarantine numbers in the District, stating less than 2% of enrolled students are currently quarantined. That number is just under 4% for staff and teachers. Currently, 7.38% of students are enrolled in the online-learning option. Students are strongly encouraged to commit to remote learning for a whole quarter to keep learning as consistent as possible. The next nine-week enrollment window to opt in closes this weekend.
During the meeting, the Board heard the latest progress on construction of Meadow View Elementary School in Adel. According to Director of Maintenance Lucas Asche, progress remains steady, and the completion target of next fall is still on track. Finally, the Board approved the purchase of a backup storage device, additional security cameras for DeSoto Intermediate School, and the District’s insurance report.