U.S. Representative Cindy Anxe spoke at a “Perry for Biden” rally Saturday morning.
Axne, along with dozens of area democrats, attended the rally at the bandshell at Pattee Park. Several local groups spoke on why they support Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden. Speakers representing farmers, educators, grandmas, coffee drinkers, Latinos and Latinas, independents, Chucks, students, and veterans vocalized what a Biden presidency would mean to them.
Speaking on behalf of veterans, Eddie Diaz says he looked back on his time serving as a Marine when deciding which President best represents veterans, “When I left the military I reflected on a lot of my experiences. I want somebody in the presidency that has a connection to the service of this country. Because it is one of the most important things the president will ever decide to do: whether to go to war or not go to war. Vice President Biden has his son Beau Biden, who served in the military. I believe that experience will make him a better commander in chief because unlike some presidents who have been quick to pull the trigger and send young men and women to war, (Biden) is going to think long and hard about putting young men and women in harm’s way.”
Axne also spoke in favor of Biden and all the democratic candidates on the ballot in November. The event was organized by the Perry Area Democrats.