Following the first presidential debate and President Donald Trump testing positive for COVID-19, Iowa’s Fourth Congressional District Representative shares his thoughts.
Republican Congressman Steve King gives his overall impression following the first presidential debate between Trump and Democrat challenger Joe Biden.
“The end of that debate with just kind of a, just not a very good feeling in my stomach about the (verbal) brawl that had taken place before us all. Yet, I can’t lay all of that on President Trump, some of that belongs to Joe Biden, and some of that belongs to Chris Wallace (the moderator) too. In the end, I don’t think we learned very much about policy disagreements, but what we did see was an intellectually vigorous president.”
Then a few days after the debate, Trump tested positive for COVID-19 and was taken to Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington, D.C. King was impressed with how quickly Trump went from having a couple of “rough days” to being back at the White House.
“He is a man with perhaps the strongest constitution of anybody I know in maybe the United States. He’s mentally very, very tough. He’s physically pretty solid. I’m thankful that this is over. We all pray for him, as I do everyday.”
King hopes Trump to be on the campaign trail soon. To hear more from King about this and other topics, listen to today’s Community State Bank in Paton Let’s Talk Greene County program.