
The Dallas County Secondary Roads Department has completed more than 100 miles of road work so far this year. 

According to County Engineer Al Miller, his department has completed 72.5 miles of reshaping and resurfacing work, six miles of ditch work, 38.5 miles of shoulder rock, and installed 37 culverts. Miller adds that this year mother nature has been more cooperative compared to 2019, “Last year we had a lot of damage to catch up on after the winter that we had, and we got by pretty easy this spring. We’ve been focusing on areas where we really (have) to do some drainage improvements and that kind of stuff; get rock on the road. I mean our biggest challenge this year has been, it’s been so dry, we’ve been hauling water to follow our guys around to get water on the roads. It’s a good problem to have.”

Miller adds that he’s happy with the progress made especially considering the slow start to the spring following the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Miller says he’s also been working with area farmers to ensure the County’s projects have minimal impact on access to roads for harvest.