After a reevaluation of bids received last week, the Guthrie County Board of Supervisors awarded the contracts for the law enforcement center addition.
The Supervisors weren’t pleased with the lowest subcontractor bid amounts coming to a total of about $9.43 million, excluding alternate bids, which surpasses the $8.7 million referendum passed by voters last March. The Board discussed why the County should embark on the project now, as Supervisor Mike Dickson pointed out the low interest rate they received when issuing the bonds, and an estimated $17 million in valuation coming in the next year, according to Region XII Council of Governments.
A representative from Rochon Corporation construction company stated their case for why the Board should select their bid, which they submitted as a lump sum and was not to the specifications set by the County and Project Manager Sid Samuels. Though Rochon’s bid was lower than the others received, County Attorney Brenna Bird said it would be against state law if the County awarded the contract to them, as they are legally bound to award to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, or go out for bids again.
The Board approved Samuels’ recommendation to award to his bids tabulated, and in three other separate motions the Board approved including the first alternate for a stairwell, and denied the other two alternates for expansion of the sally port, and a maintenance building. Samuels mentioned that the original construction start date was anticipated for October 12th but is now expected for a week later. The Board directed Samuels’ marketing director to schedule a groundbreaking ceremony with all law enforcement agencies of the County.