
The Dallas County Board of Supervisors held an EMS workshop during their meeting Tuesday. 

Dallas County EMS Director Mike Thomasson informed the Supervisors that service calls have remained steady over the last year, resulting in similar costs and revenue to the previous year. He also broke down how they’re billing infrastructure works and how it compares to neighboring public entities. Thomasson then told the Supervisors he’s working towards transitioning the County’s Medical Examiner Investigator position from an hourly and on-call role to an independent contractor. Currently, the MEI receives $25 a day to be on call and earns their hourly rate if they’re called in. Thomasson says it’s unreasonable to expect those in the position to leave their entire day open for $25 a day. Opening the role to independent contractors will give both the County and the employee more flexibility and add efficiency throughout the payroll process. Thomasson says efforts are still underway to iron out the details. 

The Supervisors also approved the abatement of mobile home taxes, canvassed the recent Linden special city council election, and approved the transfer of more than $300,000 from the County’s operating fund to the bike trail fund.