You never know when disaster may strike, as shown by the derecho storm this past August, so Adair and Guthrie County Emergency Management stress the importance of having an emergency supply kit this National Preparedness Month.
Deputy Coordinator Jeremy Cooper shares some of the recommended items for a kit, “Having an emergency contact list, personal hygiene items, extra clothing and bedding, flashlights with extra batteries, battery-operated radios or weather radios with extra batteries. Cash even, it’s always a good idea to have a little bit of cash on hand. We’re so used to using debit cards today but if the power’s out in our community for an extended period of time, you may not be able to access your bank account.”
Cooper adds some other important supplies are to have a first aid kit, a three day supply of food and water for everyone in your household, and in these COVID-19 times, cloth face coverings, soap, hand sanitizer, and disinfectant wipes. In preparing for disasters Cooper recommends including children as much as possible, such as having them pick out some books, games, and other activities to include. He advises to have emergency kits at your home, work, and car, and to make sure all family members know where the home kit is located. For more information on building a kit, visit here.