
The Panorama School District is emulating a certain entertainment streaming service for their homecoming this week with the theme “Panorama+: The Best Memories in One Place.”

The week kicked off with “Iron Man” football and volleyball competitions and a hypnotist show on Sunday, and continues with dress-up days throughout the week, culminating in the varsity football game versus Adair-Casey/Guthrie Center at 7 p.m. Friday. Coronation and a marching band performance will occur during halftime. Those vying for a fairytale ending are Abby Cobb, Jaden Johnson, Hailey Meacham, Gwen Steffen, Ella Waddle, Isaac Jarnagin, Ethan Hafner, Trent Hambleton, Jared Henderson, and Drew Taylor. The annual celebration will end Saturday night with a dance from 8-11 p.m. in the middle school gym.