Guthrie County residents will soon have an avenue to access food and hygiene items 24 hours a day, seven days a week thanks to New Opportunities, but they need the community’s help to implement the new program.
The New Opportunities Health Department was awarded a neighborhood/networking grant on behalf of the Community Partnership for Protecting Children, which will allow the health department to build outdoor food pantry boxes in several area towns including Guthrie Center and Coon Rapids. Similar to the free little library box trend, these boxes would allow community members to take food and hygiene items when they need it, especially when local food pantries are closed, and then donate items for others.
New Opportunities is looking for a group, church, business, or families in town that would be willing to adopt and/or monitor the food pantry box, and brainstorm a potential location. Ideally the box would be installed in a shady area with easy access for all. Those interested in helping can contact Amy Hunziker at ahunziker@newopp.org or phone: 712.830.0855 (cell) or 712.792.9266 (office).