Administrators updated the Guthrie Center School Board on how the school year is going so far with some students learning remotely during their September meeting.
Elementary Principal Diane Flanery said at the start of the year the building had 26 students learning remotely, but as of September 21st three of those students returned to on-site learning, with another two students considering coming back as well, “And some of the remote learning is going really well for the families and for others we’re contacting those parents a lot to get work in. So we’re working on that to make sure that the remote learners keep up with their peers that are on site.”
Flanery also mentioned that they have sent internet hotspots home with some children who had to quarantine because of a positive COVID-19 test recently.
High School Principal Ethan Lensch told the Board that four additional students have gone to remote learning, for a total of 29 students with six of them coming to the building for one or two classes like band, and another six also doing a hybrid model regardless of COVID-19. He mentioned that some parents have communicated concerns on whether their students will succeed through the online method, as it can be difficult to have students focus entirely on school work if they’re not home with them. Superintendent Dennis McClain also discussed a quarantine tracker that the Guthrie Center and Adair-Casey school nurses are both tabulating, which can be found on the Districts’ website.