
With the recent positive COVID-19 cases that have been found in the Greene County elementary and middle school staff and students, the high school continues not to be impacted.

Activities Director Todd Gordon says all high school sports do not have a positive COVID-19 case at this time. He is trying to be as transparent as possible as he continues to work with Greene County Public Health and Director Becky Wolf. Gordon notes students and coaches are being tested for the virus constantly. Since the first cases popped up in the other school buildings, Gordon notes they are urging students not to become complacent with following through with the guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Iowa Department of Public Health.

“We actually revisited that this week. We’re kind of mid-stream here but let’s go back and make sure we’re kind of treating this like we did in August, or even July when we started working teams out. We don’t get comfortable, and I think that’s the thing you don’t want to try and do is get too comfortable. We’re trying to stay on top of it and make sure we’re doing the same thing, so again we can try and finish the season, that’s the main goal.”

Gordon is confident that they have the protocols in place if they get a positive COVID-19 case that impacts a sports program to keep everyone else safe.