Image courtesy of Greene County FFA
A Greene County FFA’er recently received the highest honor the organization can give.
Gwen Black earned the American Degree, which is the highest recognition the national FFA organization can bestow on its members. Having previously earned the Iowa Degree, the highest honor that the state can give to FFA’ers, Black says getting the American Degree was her overall goal. She says less than one-percent of FFA members achieve such a distinction.
Black says some of the requirements for the American Degree includes lots of record keeping, agriculture research, or running a business, along with taking tests to prove you have the knowledge to earn the different degrees. Black talks about why she set her sights on earning the American Degree.
“I kind of just thought as a really nice way to end my FFA career. I mean I’ve done pretty much almost everything an FFA member can do. I’ve competed, I’ve been a state officer, and this was just kind of a nice final closing chapter to round out everything that I’ve done.”
Individuals can be an active FFA member until they turn 21-years-old, which Black is finishing her final year of eligibility. She says she will continue to be an FFA alumni member as she continues her college education at Iowa State University with the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.