While social distancing was encouraged and many attendees wore face masks, a successful second annual Jamaica Fall Fest was held Saturday.
The event featured many attractions including several free children’s activities, a vendor fair, car and tractor show, and live music outside Just One More, which was one of the event sponsors. Just One More Co-owner Jen Hollman says though the COVID-19 pandemic and harvest may have contributed to a somewhat smaller turnout this year, the event was still a success, “Everybody has pitched in so good, and too they started with harvest so that took out a lot of people just because of harvest and stuff but I think we still have a good show. And we’ve had tons of people helping, volunteering with the bake sale and everything going on that I think we’ve had a great turnout.”
At the City Park children got to paint kindness rocks and get free temporary tattoos, while families also got to pose in front of a tropical mural backdrop that also pays tribute to Jamaica’s local attractions. Kaylee Hilgenberg traveled from four hours away to paint the mural and volunteer during the event, “Oh it’s been awesome. Jamaica holds a very special place in my heart because my mom grew up here and my Grandpa Jim was around here and we have some beautiful family land that we get to enjoy so it was really special for me to be able to paint my first mural and have it be here in Jamaica.”
The event was also sponsored by ToJo’s, Jazzin’ Up Jamaica Committee, Jamaica Supporters, Jamaica Public Library, Jamaica Lions Club, and Jamaica Union Church, and the proceeds of the event will go towards the community group’s continued work to improve the City Park, and to replace the roof of the community building.